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A Cajun French English Glossary. Introduction A number of resources exist for those looking for Cajun French vocabulary, but all. LSU students in Cajun French because they are either too. Therefore, in response to our students expressed need for a. Cajun French 1. 20. LSU. We. have tried to make the entries and explanations as clear and straightforward as possible. Please keep in mind This glossary is always a site UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWell be adding entries on a regular basis as we need them for courses, so please. Also, if you are a native speaker of Cajun French and have entries. It is especially useful to us to hear about regional differences, which abound. Louisiana French. Quelque chose de neuf We are adding links to entries which will allow you. Louisiana French speaker. When you see a term. Pronunciation in Louisiana French. Introduction. A number of resources exist for those looking for Cajun French vocabulary, but all of them pose problems for LSU students in Cajun French. A proverb from Latin proverbium is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience. Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Voice talent provided by Earlene Broussard, Mick Abed, Ariana Giambrone Amanda. La. Fleur. Technical assistance provided by Claire Dawkins, Benjamin Forkner and the staff of. LSU Foreign Language Lab. Attention, Mac users If you have problems opening certain sound files in Internet. Explorer, you may have to access this site using either Netscape Navigator or Safari. JeanPierre Cassel, Actor Le scaphandre et le papillon. He made his movie debut at the invitation of Gene Kelly, who cast Cassel in the 1956 Parisfilmed seriocomedy. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Barbara Mori. Barbara Mori Ochoa est ne le 2 Fvrier 1978 Montevideo, Uruguay dune mre Mexicaine et dun pre JaponnaisUruguayen. Aprs le divorce de ses. Annes 19701990. Michael Hart crait en 1971 le projet Gutenberg, dont le but est de numriser une grande quantit de livres afin de crer une bibliothque en. Go directly to Glossary Pronunciation A note about pronunciation The upper case letters in brackets at the beginning of. English based spelling system. We are using an English based system since most. English speakers, but you should keep in mind that French. UTlZ7W9vnwWSqugTKafpLSWGe.jpg' alt='Watch Le Pied De Mouton Online Le Pied De Mouton Full Movie Online' title='Watch Le Pied De Mouton Online Le Pied De Mouton Full Movie Online' />Also, keep. CF Cajun French. The. Louisiana. A sounds like the a in fat. AH sounds like the o in pot. An sounds like the nasal vowel in taunt and want. AW sounds something like the a in father. CH sounds like ch in cheer. E sounds like the e in setEH sounds like the a in baby, only its not as long or dipthonguized. EE sounds like the vowel sound in feet. En sounds like the nasal vowel sound in cant and pant. EUH sounds something like the vowel sound in put. J sounds like the initial consonant sound in justOH sounds like the vowel sound in coat. On sounds something like the nasal vowel in dawn. OO sounds like the vowel sound in tool. SH sounds like the initial consonant sound in sugar. U sounds something like the vowel sound in pure. UH sounds like the vowel sound in up. Y sounds like the y in yes. Cajun French English. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. A. prep. 1. to 2. Esta. Thats. Estas dog. La. Fourche. From SF accomoder. Marie et Jacques sadonnent bien avec leurs voisins. Marie. and Jacques get along well with their neighbors. Philippe tait dans la mme classe. It so happened that Philippe and I. AHY garlic. aile n. EL wing. aimer v. En. MEH to like to love. Ils aimont pas le garon que leur fille sort. They dont like the boy their daughter is going out with. EHZEH 1. easy not difficult. Writers who use alle typically write a or a in front of consonant initiated. These two forms more accurately represent the pronunciation of the pronoun. Louisiana French writers prefer to use the SF elle in general. Watch The Secret Life Of American Teenager Season 3. A voulait pas te parler parce qualle tait bien. She didnt want to talk to you because she was really angry. SF elle. See also t. AHLYAn. S wedding band wedding ring. Form of aller to go. Lets go. Allons au festival Lets go to. Lets do something. Allons danser Lets dance 3. Suppose that lets say that. Allons dire que tes dans un. Lets suppose youre in an accident. Variant spelling almanaque. SF calendrieralmanaque n. Variant spelling almanach. SF calendrieramarrer v. AH MAH REH, An MAH REH 1. SF attacher. me n. Il coute pas personne parce quil est amoureux. He doesnt. listen to anyone because hes in love. Cet homme est beaucoup amoureux. That man is a womanizer. AH MEE DAHL tonsil. AHPLEH to call. appareil n. AHPAHRTNEER to belong. La boutique appartenait Gilbert Trahan. The store belonged to Gilbert Trahan. AHPREH 1. after. Aprs le bal, on a t manger chez Ccile. After. the dance, we went to eat at Ceciles house. On tait aprs dormir quand il a appel. We were sleeping when. Arab. araigne n. AHREn. YEH AHREEn. YEH spider. AHRB tree. arcotchin n. AHRKOCHEn cockleburr. AHSEHYEH to try. See also essayer. ASWAHR to sit to sit down. Variant assir. assez adv. Variant asseoir. Descends de l droite asteur Get down from there right now From. SF cette heure. AHTLEH to harness to rig up of a horse and wagon. AHTAn. N 1. to hear. Parle plus fort Je peux pas tattendre. Speak. louder. I cant hear you. SF sense. attiner v. See also picocher. AH TRAH PEH 1. to catch. Jai t la pche hier matin, mais jai. I went fishing yesterday morning, but I didnt. Attrape la gazette sus le comptoir. Je veux voir qui cest qua gagn la course. Grab the newspaper on the counter. I. want to see who won the race. OH Ken not any no. Jai aucune ide comment je vas payer lenterrement. I have no ide how Im going to pay for my husbands funeral. ORAH ORAH 1. at the same level. Les deux bougres tiont. The two guys were running. On va dmnager au ras de chez mon beau pre. Were. going to move next to my father in laws place. On va se. revoir au ras de cinq heures. Well see each other again around 5 oclock. OHSEE also, too. Variant to reflect pronunciation aussitte. Quoi dautre What else Variant to reflect pronunciation entrement que. AH VAH LAHS downpour. Avant le souper, on a besoin de se laver. Before supper, we. Il a achet son char avec Howard Fontenot. He bought his car from Howard Fontenot. AHVNAn nice likeable. AHVOHKAH1. lawyer. AHVWEn. N oats. avoir v. Watch Impractical Jokers Season 3 Episode 6 here. AH WAHR to have. Return to top. B. BAH BEE YEH to scold usually a child. BAHL dance event. Tu veux aller au bal avec moi soir Do you want. BAH JEUH LEH to harass to nag. Variant spelling. BAH TEE ZEH 1. to baptise. Figurative to use for the first time. Dieu a very good and decent person. BAHREE, BAHREEY barrel. Feminine bassebasan adj. BAH ZAH NEH freckled. Feminine bassettebteau n. Moi et mon beau, on est ensemble a fait deux ans. My boyfriend. and I have been together for two years. Garde voir le beau petit bb Look at the beautiful. Feminine belle. See also alliance. See also alliance. BOH TEH beauty. Thats quite a big melon Variant bibi. Donne moi un petit bec doux, cher Give. Masculine. beau. See also alliance, bru. See also alliance. See also alliance. BA R SEH to rock gently, as a baby. See also jumeau. See also jumelle. BET 1. animal. 2. BET PYAn. T skunk. BET ROOZH red bug chigger. Bon Dieu n. f. ladybug. BEEB bible. bien adv. BEESKWEE biscuit. Feminine blanche. See also camisole. BAW L bowl In SF and some places in Louisiana, bol is a masculine noun. BOO KAH NEH smoke meats, etc. BOO KAH NEH smoked. Taimes mieux la saucisse frache ou boucane Do you prefer fresh or smoked sausage. BOOSHREE butchering. Bouki n. m. a canine character in Creole folktales, typically the dimwitted victim of. Lapins trickery. Wolof word meaning hyena. BOOYEE 1. custard. Evangeline. bougre n. BOH G 1. man guy. Quoi a dit, bougre Whats. What do you say, man. BOOLET 1. meatball. Watch Misfits Season 4'>Watch Misfits Season 4. Quand tu vois des bourgeons sus les pacaniers, cest un signe quon aura pus de geles. When you see buds on the pecan trees, its a sign that there will be no more freezes. BRAH YEH to cry. Variant Moutonne. In Standard French aubergine. Variant pronunciation bertelle. BREn a very small quantity a bit. Il a mis un petit brin de piment dans.