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Silent Myocardial Ischemia Circulation. Silent myocardial ischemia is defined as objective documentation of myocardial ischemia in the absence of angina or anginal equivalents. Watch Justice League Unlimited Season 3 Online For Free there.
Since its original description in the 1. This review will serve as an update on the pathophysiology, detection, prevalence, prognosis, and treatment of silent ischemia in both asymptomatic patients and those with angina, whether stable or unstable. Pathophysiology. Pain Studies.
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No discussion of silent ischemia is complete without consideration of the cardiac pain mechanism. Watch In The Army Now Online (2017) here. Although much has been learned about this subject, much is still uncertain. The afferent fibers that run in the cardiac sympathetic nerves are usually thought of as the essential pathway for the transmission of cardiac pain (Figure 1). The atria and ventricles are abundantly supplied with sympathetic sensory innervation; from the heart, the sensory nerve endings connect to afferent fibers in cardiac nerve bundles, which in turn connect to the upper 5 thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the upper 5 thoracic dorsal roots of the spinal cord. Within the spinal cord, impulses mediated by this sympathetic afferent route probably converge with impulses from somatic thoracic structures onto the same ascending spinal neurons.
This would be the basis for cardiac pain referred to the chest, wall, arm, back etc. In addition to this “convergence- projection theory,” the contribution of vagal afferent fibers must be acknowledged for an explanation of cardiac pain referred to the jaw and neck. How these vagal fibers are activated remains unclear. Furthermore, somatic localization of ischemic pain cannot predict the site of myocardial ischemia (anterior, inferior, or lateral) from one patient to the next. Figure 1. Mechanisms of cardiac pain.
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From Droste and Roskamm (used with permission). The actual “trigger” that stimulates the sensory nerve endings remains elusive. If a chemical pain stimulus is involved, the substance that has been most recently linked to the production of angina- like chest pain is adenosine. Sylven et al. 1 observed that an adenosine infusion resulted in chest pain even in patients without obstructive coronary artery disease. Subsequently, they gave varying amounts to healthy volunteers and caused dose- dependent chest pain in all of the volunteers.
Concomitant dipyridamole administration (which reduces cellular uptake of adenosine) increased the pain response, whereas theophylline (a nonspecific adenosine antagonist) reduced the pain response. When Crea et al. 2 gave adenosine via intracoronary infusion to 2. When the drug was infused into the right atrium, it failed to reproduce the pain. From these studies and others, it appears that adenosine is a mediator of cardiac and muscular ischemic pain. At one time, a mechanical stimulus (stretching of the coronary arteries) was also proposed as a cause of pain even when ischemia itself was not induced. This was suggested after watching the behavior of laboratory animals whose coronary arteries were stretched. This theory has received increased support because of the observation that during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in humans, the greater the balloon inflation pressure, the more intense pain in the same individual.
The pioneering somatic pain threshold studies of Droste and Roskamm. They studied 3 different modalities of somatic pain perception.
When pain perception was determined by an electrical current applied to the thigh, asymptomatic patients had a significantly higher threshold. Subsequent studies from other laboratories confirmed their findings. A central mechanism was suggested in 1. Rosen et al,5 using PET scanning to measure cerebral blood flow in patients with and without silent ischemia. On the basis of their data, the authors postulated that abnormal central processing of afferent cardiac pain signals could be involved in the pathophysiology of this syndrome. A possible role for endorphins in cardiac pain responses also has been studied.
Varying concentrations of these opioid- like substances exist in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid and may be important in mediating pain sensitivity. The issue is not clear cut, as different laboratories that have measured plasma endorphin levels during and after exercise tests have produced conflicting results, and considerable overlap exists in values between patients with and those without silent ischemia. Data from PTCA studies by Falcone et al. Oldroy et al. 7 found endorphin release to be common during both spontaneous and provoked acute myocardial ischemia and to have no correlation with intensity of chest pain.
Thus, the evidence linking endorphins to silent myocardial ischemia is suggestive but not conclusive. This is true in nondiabetics as well as diabetics. Diabetics also have overt neuropathy as an additional contributing factor to their silent ischemia, although in many instances the neuropathy is subclinical and can only be detected by demonstration of autonomic impairment. According to a recent study,8 the combination of microalbuminuria and silent ischemia in asymptomatic diabetics identifies a particularly high- risk subgroup for future cardiac events (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Significance of silent ischemia and microalbuminuria in predicting coronary events in diabetics. Shown is event- free survival in patients according to the absence or presence of silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) or microalbuminuria (MA). From Rutter et al. Benzodiazepines have been shown to interact with opioid antinociception. Considering the importance of inflammation and leukocytes in myocardial ischemia, could the expression of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors on leukocytes be different in patients with and without angina during myocardial ischemia? This is the question Mazzone et al.
They found that the expression of these receptors was indeed higher in patients with silent ischemia. This same group of investigators also studied production of inflammatory cytokines in a similar patient population and reported that an “anti- inflammatory pattern” of cytokine production was observed in the patients with silent ischemia. The authors concluded that the activation of the immune- inflammatory system may be crucial for production of anginal symptoms. Hemodynamic Abnormalities During Silent Ischemia. Watch The Last Survivors Online there. Unlike the endorphin controversy, this is an area where increasing data have proven useful in clarifying physiological mechanisms.
To begin with, PTCA has allowed the sequence of ischemic events to be precisely defined in a controlled setting. In their classic study, Sigwart et al.
Based on their findings and those of others in subsequent studies, it is apparent that hemodynamic abnormalities occur first and that pain follows electrocardiographic changes and is the final event in the sequence of events that characterizes an episode of myocardial ischemia. The amount of myocardium rendered ischemic in humans is difficult to quantify, but comparisons between symptomatic and silent ischemia have been attempted using a variety of techniques.
For example, Hirzel et al. Under similar exercise conditions, comparable hemodynamic and wall- motion abnormalities indicative of ischemia were observed in patients with and without angina. Most, but not all, subsequent studies agreed with their findings. Some myocardial perfusion studies using radionuclear agents also tend to refute the hypothesis that lesser amounts of myocardium are injured during painless ischemia. Holter monitoring has also proven useful in clarifying pathophysiologic mechanisms during silent ischemia. Early studies of ambulatory ischemia noted that almost 8. As more and more studies using the Holter monitor have been published, it is apparent that there is a circadian variation in ischemic episodes, with most coming after arousal in the morning, or waking and rising at night.
This circadian variation is the same in both men and women.
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