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Pro- Trump Rallies in 3. States Canceled, Will Be Held As Online Demonstrations. Watch About Schmidt 4Shared.
Pro- Trump rallies that were originally being planned for roughly 3. US have been canceled. The rallies, scheduled for September 9th, were being coordinated by ACT For America, a pro- Trump and anti- Muslim hate group best known for its “March Against Sharia” back in June. The group said it will instead hold online demonstrations. ACT For America released a statement to Breitbart, America’s number 1 website for adult virgins, claiming that the cancellations were due to “the recent violence in America and in Europe.” ACT For America, which calls itself “the NRA of national security,” is now proclaiming Saturday, September 9th an online “Day of ACTion.” It’s not yet clear what the organization has planned, but it’s probably a safe bet that it will involve plenty of shitty memes.“In recent weeks, extremist and radical organizations in the United States and abroad have overrun peaceful events in order to advance their own agendas, and in many cases, violence has been the result,” ACT For America told Breitbart in a statement. The statement continued by denouncing “Neo- Nazis, Antifa, the KKK, and ISIS inspired individuals and groups” using President Trump’s own strategy of trying to equate those who fight against white supremacy as similar to the terrorists who marched under Nazi banners like those in Charlottesville, Virginia. Watch Bedazzled Online Mic.

A neo- Nazi terrorist killed 3. Heather Heyer and injured dozens more at the event. The organizer, Jason Kessler, even called Heyer’s death “payback time” before deleting his tweet.
President Trump infamously said that the neo- Nazi demonstration included some “fine people.” But there’s some speculation online that the pro- Trump crowd had other motives for canceling the events. Pro- Trump demonstrators were vastly outnumbered in Boston over the weekend, making it clear that Americans are ready to stand up against hate and bigotry in large public settings. Roughly 4. 0,0. 00 anti- fascist demonstrators rallied in Boston compared to just 1. ACT For America had attempted to rally its followers on Facebook, but the showing was poor to say the least.
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Judging by a quick perusal of the Facebook events, it seems like the organization has had very little interest from the public, which is perhaps the real reason for the cancellation. As of this morning the RSVP list wasn’t looking too promising: A rally of fewer than half a dozen people isn’t very intimidating, and neo- fascists depend on that dynamic to instill fear. That’s kind of their thing. And mayors across the country weren’t too excited about the idea of hosting pro- Trump, anti- Muslim rallies in their communities either. Many denounced ACT for America, including the mayor of Milwaukee, as well as the mayor of Syracuse, where the city denied the America First Rally a permit.
As of publication time, ACT For America still hadn’t removed its sign- up page advertising the rally on September 9th. So if you want to sign on with cowards, now’s your chance. But something tells me that keyboard fascists aren’t going to win this one, now that decent Americans have awakened to the very immediate dangers of racism and hate in the era of Trump.
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